
Curious about the difference between OOH and DOOH? Let us guide you through the realm of out-of-home advertising with our comprehensive glossary.


The acronym for ‘out-of-home’ advertising. It covers out-of-home advertising that isn’t exclusively digital, for example traditional billboards, posters, or bus shelters. They are placed in diverse environments beyond residential areas, like roadsides, malls, train stations, or entertainment destinations.


The acronym for ‘Digital out-of-home’ advertising. Digital screens are becoming increasingly popular in the industry and are found in various formats and locations. They allow advertisers to schedule and target their messages more flexibly.


The screen ‘format’ describes the dimensions of a digital billboard. It encompasses classic sizes like D6, D48, D96, and Digital Mega 6.


The acronym for ‘Digital 6 sheet’ advertising screen. These are portrait digital billboards often placed inside shopping malls and retail parks. View our D6 network here.


The acronym for ‘digital 48 sheet’ advertising screen. Otherwise known as a large format screen, or landscape format digital screen. It’s a popular format among advertisers due to its versatility in showcasing numerous timely or location-specific ads. View our D48 network here.


The acronym for ‘digital 96 sheet’ advertising screen. View our D96 network here.

Mega 6

A large-scale digital advertising display that offers expansive visibility and impact. Mega 6 typically features a sizeable six-sheet format, for showcasing adverts in high-traffic areas.


The locations where digital advertising screens are placed and grouped together in a network. For example; roadside, shopping malls, gyms, and motorway service areas.


A group of specific advertising sites or locations. They may be grouped together by format, geography, or the environment they’re placed in, such as the Elonex Shopping Malls Network, and the Elonex Roadside Network.

Copy /

The artwork that an advertiser choses to display on a digital advertising screen. If you’re new to creative artwork for DOOH, you can read our Creative Guidelines here.

Display type

Different screens have certain ‘display types’ which determine what type of creative you can display on them. This will include ‘static’, ‘subtle motion’ and ‘full motion’.

Full motion

Your artwork can include a fully animated video. This gives you full flexibility to make the most out of your creative.

Subtle motion

Screens with subtle motion have the ability to add only small elements of movement into your creative, helping draw attention to certain aspects of your advert.

Static display

Only static images can be displayed on screens with static display, and no video files are permitted.


Route is a not-for-profit organisation, offering audience estimates for out-of-home advertising in the UK. They consider not only those who encounter DOOH screens, but also those who genuinely notice them. As a Joint Industry Currency, its data supports the facilitation and assessment of out-of-home advertising transactions.

Share of voice

This describes how often your advert is shown from within a ‘pool’ of adverts. A slot on one of our digital out-of-home screens is typically 10 seconds. A ‘1 in 6’ share of voice means your advert will display for 10 seconds, every 60 seconds.


This describes the ‘pool’ of artwork that is currently playing in a loop on a digital screen. While one advert creative will be displayed per ‘rotation’ on each screen, you can supply multiple creatives to alternate each time your advert appears.


Dwell time

This describes the length of time that audiences are in close proximity to a site. The longer the dwell time, the longer an audience is taking in your advertisements.